Elijah’s Years with a Widow

Series: Weeds In My Garden | Week 5: Stress, Burnout And Hope

Read 1 Kings 17:8-24 + 1 Kings 18:1-2 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. Why was the widow afraid?

2. What miracles did God perform through Elijah?

3. How many years did he stay with the widow?


Elijah and the widow whom God appointed both experienced great stress due to the drought and famine in the land – but in their hardship, they witnessed even greater miracles. Elijah obeyed God even when it meant leaving his home country, and the widow obeyed God even when she looked around and saw only enough food for one final meal.

We have vastly limited perspectives compared to God. When He calls us to follow Him, we can’t assume we know exactly how everything will turn out. We might find ourselves like the widow, looking around at what we have and believing it won’t be enough, but God is never limited. Through Elijah, God demonstrated His power over the material world and over death itself.

But God didn’t stop there. Generations after Elijah, He sent Jesus to die and be raised to life again. As God provides for your physical needs, let it be a reminder of how He provided Jesus for your greatest need of all: forgiveness of your sin. God has provided for you eternally, and there’s nothing that can separate Him from you.


How have you seen God provide for you before? How do your stories of His past faithfulness to you give you hope for the future? Spend some time in prayer thanking God for sending Jesus to provide for us eternally.

Weeds In My Garden