God Values You

Series: Weeds In My Garden | Week 4: Worry, Anxiety And Depression

Read Matthew 6:25-27 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. Why did Jesus say not to worry?

2. Who cares for the birds?

3. What are we more valuable than?


As a part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught His disciples and the crowds following Him about worry. At this time, many were anxious about necessities, like worrying about having enough food to eat. Jesus addressed this fear by telling His followers to think about birds, creatures God values and feeds every day.

If God values even the smallest animals enough to fulfill all their needs, how much more does God value us? We’re the pinnacle of His creation, the only ones made in His image. As time has progressed, we’ve accumulated much more than what people in Jesus’ day would’ve had. We thought having more access, more technology, and more information would ease our worries, but many are coming to see that it isn’t working.

Your life is about much more than searching for the next “thing” that promises peace. God is the only one who can truly deliver on that promise. He’s the one who made you, who values you, and who sent His Son to die for you. The next time you see birds or hear their chirping, remember your heavenly Father’s love for you.


Have you ever tried to “add” to a situation by worrying about it? What happened? What does Jesus’ example of birds teach you about God? Spend some time in prayer thanking God for how He values and provides for all of His creation – including you.

Weeds In My Garden