God Guards You

Series: Weeds In My Garden | Week 4: Worry, Anxiety And Depression

Read Philippians 4:4-7 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. What did Paul repeat?

2. How can we experience God’s peace?

3. What will His peace do?


Paul wrote to the Philippians while he was in jail, and even then he was full of joy – not because he knew his circumstances would work out, but because he knew God. He gave his readers two simple steps they could follow in every situation: tell God what they needed, and thank Him for what He’d done.

Paul understood the power of gratitude. It’s the soil in which our joy grows. When we feel stuck and surrounded by worries, it can be hard to see what we have to be grateful for. But when we regularly thank God for what He’s done, it reminds us of His character, promises, and love for us. No circumstances we face or emotions we feel can take these away from us.

When you put Paul’s two steps into practice, he says God’s peace will guard your heart and mind. That doesn’t mean He’ll remove your trials and hardships, though. When God guards you, He reminds you of the good things He’s given you, His trustworthy character, the promises He’ll never break, and His great love for you.


What have you learned about God this week? Who can you share that with? Spend some time in prayer following Paul’s two steps: ask God for what you need, and thank Him for what He’s done in your life. If you need a place to start, thank Him for His peace and ask Him to help you experience more of it, no matter your circumstances.

Weeds In My Garden