Clothed in grace.

Series: FOBO (Fear Of Better Options) | Week 4: Now What?

Genesis 3:21

“And the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife.”

Adam and Eve had to face the consequences of their sin, but then look what God does for them in this verse. God responds to Adam and Eve’s failure, to their sin and disobedience with grace! An animal sacrifice was made to clothe Adam and Eve, foreshadowing the eventual sacrifice of Jesus, our perfect Lamb of God, to clothe us in His grace, hope, and forgiveness forever!


1. Is there a sin in your life that you’ve let hang around too long to the point where it’s almost become a part of your identity? Pause for a minute now to think about this. Ask God to help you unhook yourself from that sin. Take it seriously, knowing the sacrifice He made to pay for it.

2. If you find yourself living in a place of guilt, wondering how God will respond to your failure, thank Him that you don’t have to stay there. Thank Him for the great sacrifice He made to cover your sin and help you move forward in freedom!

FOBO (Fear Of Better Options)