The promise before the provision.

Series: The Gospel of Luke: Settled in Spirit | Week 2: Offended by Grace

Read I Kings 17:7-16
1. What circumstances is the widow in Zarephath facing when God sends His prophet, Elijah, to her?
2. How does the widow respond to Elijah’s instructions?
3. Zarephath was a town known for its worship of the god, Baal, not the God of Israel. Why is that significant to this story?

1. The widow had to believe God’s promise before she saw God’s provision. Are you trying to get all your questions answered or find ‘proof’ before trusting the promises that God loves you and wants you to experience life to the full? Talk to Him about this now. Tell Him you want to put your trust in Him now and spend the rest of your life knowing Him better. If you still have questions about this, reach out to us at and someone will follow up with you!
2. Go back now and look at Luke 4:24-26. Jesus is saying God’s grace extends to ‘the outsider’! Do you feel like the outsider that is unreachable? Do you have someone in your life that you feel is unreachable? Pray that you would more fully understand this free gift of God’s grace that extends to everyone.

For Families with Kids at Home
Today, as a family pray for the outsiders and people who seem unreachable. Then, commit to showing grace to the people that you rub shoulders with on a daily basis.

The Gospel of Luke: Settled in Spirit