Kingdom Pursuits

Series: Awaken | Week 3: Awaken to Perspective

Read Matthew 6:33-34 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


  1. What are we to seek above all else?
  2. How are we to live?
  3. What can we trust about God?


In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus concluded His teaching on treasure by urging us to seek the Kingdom of God “above all else.” This isn’t about stroking His ego. It’s about priorities or what has our full attention. God is first, meaning He was, is, and is to come. He isn’t number one on the page. He IS the page. Our job is to bring every part of our lives into alignment with Him – not just our money, but our everything. When we do, He promises to provide.

Life goes by too fast, and the moments we have are too important. God wants to do something in us for the purpose of doing an eternal work through us. So often we pray for Him to intervene and do something in the world, when His response is, “I want to. I’m waiting for you to be awakened so I can do it through you.”

So the question is, are you awake? Are you chasing Kingdom pursuits above all else, or are you stuck in complacency, control, fear, or accumulation? God wants you to join Him in restoring His Kingdom within this fallen world. When you reclaim an eternal perspective, release control, and acknowledge Him as first, you’ll discover His will and purpose. You’ll be His agent of change here on earth.


  • If you were to do an honest evaluation of your priorities, where would you say God sits on your list? How does today’s reading challenge you?
  • When you look at the world around you, what makes you pray for God to intervene and do something? How might He want to use you to be part of His solution in this area?
  • What in your life is keeping you from chasing Kingdom pursuits above all else? What can you do about it this week?

As you process these questions, use page 65 of your Awaken Guidebook to jot down any key reflections or next steps. Be sure to bring your guidebook to your group! Page 66 is a great place to write down things that you want to process together.
