Why We Give

Series: Awaken | Week 6: Awaken to Action

After today’s reading, go to pages 82-83 of your Awaken Guidebook and take a few minutes to complete the “Look Back” section and the “Pray About It” section. Spend some extra time reflecting on the last six weeks, and note what God has done in and through you as you’ve walked through this Awaken series.

Read 2 Corinthians 9:13-15 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


  1. According to these verses, what is the result of the ministry of giving?
  2. What does our generosity prove?
  3. How will we be prayed for, and why?


Paul concludes his appeal to the Corinthian church to give sacrificially by reminding them why it matters. He says that because of their generosity, other people will praise God. They’ll praise Him for the obedience that accompanies the Corinthians’ confession of the gospel, and they’ll praise Him for the way they’ve shared freely. In turn, they’ll pray for the Corinthian believers with “deep affection” because of how they’ve seen God’s grace at work in them.

This is an incredible picture of what can be true for us as well. When we give willingly, readily, and sacrificially, other people will praise God. His grace will be seen through us, and a “deep affection” will form with others in the Church as we partner together and bring lost souls to Jesus. Our why behind generosity matters. And sharing the why – sharing the gospel message – matters! Generosity doesn’t just fund the mission. It is the mission.

As you reflect back on this Awaken journey, remember that what you do matters, not only for you as an individual as you take a huge step of faith and commit to generosity like never before. It also matters in changing the eternities of people, reaching them with the hope of the gospel, releasing the church, reviving our city, and restoring hope to the world. “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” Now is the time.


  • What inspires or challenges you most about the results of generosity that are described in today’s verses?
  • When you think about your own generosity, what do you hope God will stretch in you in this season? Is there anything that needs to change in order to see those things happen? What do you think God is asking you to do next?
  • As you reflect on these last six weeks, what have you seen God do in you? How about through you? Spend some time in prayer, thanking Him for all He’s done and asking Him to continue working in and through you in the weeks and months ahead.

As you process these questions, use page 83 of your Awaken Guidebook to jot down any key reflections or next steps. Be sure to bring your guidebook to your group! Page 84 is a great place to write down things that you want to process together.
