The Practice

Series: Re-Imaged | Week 4: Rhythms To Cultivate

Read 2 Peter 1:3-7 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. Who gives us what we need?

2. What should we respond to?

3. What characteristics should grow in us?


In receiving the gift of salvation, we go from death to life by God’s power. However, the rest of life is made up of thousands of intentional decisions to keep pursuing Jesus above all else.

Discipleship is a gradual process. We’re saved by faith through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and our spiritual formation is a continuation of our decision to follow Jesus. We can’t look more like Jesus on our own, so God invites us to establish rhythms of responding to His promises. When we are regularly in His Word, talking to Him and listening in prayer, attending our local church, engaging in community, serving others, giving generously, and observing the Sabbath, God uses these acts of faith to transform our character into His image.

When you have these disciplines put into practice, you’ll be able to experience God’s freedom and rest even when your circumstances don’t feel peaceful or restful. Growing in Christlikeness is a lifelong process, but God graciously provides everything we need to continually choose Him.


What do your current spiritual rhythms look like? How regularly are you practicing them? Looking at the above list, is there one that God is prompting you to start or practice more often? Who in your life can you invite to practice one or more of these disciplines with?
