Live a Life Worth Imitating

Series: Summer Road Trip | Week 2: Travel Together

Read 1 Thessalonians 1:6-9 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.

1. What did Paul affirm in the Thessalonian church?
2. Who did they imitate?
3. How far did their example and impact reach?

Over the past two days, we saw Paul’s church planting work in Thessalonica. Today, we read his words to this same church. These verses testify to the church’s commitment to disciple making. They followed Paul and the Lord, and in return, had influence not only in their own region but beyond. They were actively fulfilling the Great Commission from Matthew 28.

In our own lives, we’re called to follow this same pattern of imitation and replication. As we imitate Jesus, we seek to live a life worth imitating. And as others imitate us, they too begin to imitate Jesus and live lives worth imitating. No matter how long we’ve followed Jesus, we have something to give – something to replicate for others to see. We aren’t perfect, but we seek to live in a way that’s worth imitating.

Are you living like that? If someone far from God were to watch you this week, what would they conclude it means to be a Christian? What would they say a Christian does or values most? Does this change anything about how you’ll live this week?

Pray through today’s reading, reflecting on the questions just posed. What do you think God is prompting you to do in response? Write it down, share it with a friend, and take a step to start making it happen.

Summer Road Trip