In the summer of 2023, Frannie and Klay Fiechter felt God calling them to find a new church home despite loving the church they were currently at. They started attending Traders Point and loved it, but they still weren't sure why God called them to leave their other church.

Then, during the Awaken series, Klay felt God speak to him and tell him that he needed to be woken up spiritually. Since then, God has been leading Klay on a journey to become the man of God, husband, and father that he feels called to be. God convicted him about becoming spiritually complacent and needing to wake up spiritually.

Although the Holy Spirit awoke him, that doesn't mean Klay’s life is without struggles.

Klay says, “One of my daily struggles is actually applying God’s Word to my daily life. I used to be more focused on reading my Bible to check a box and then trying as hard as I could [in my own power] to be a good Christian rather than truly connecting with God and letting Him do a work in my heart.” Klay's life has now shifted focus as he allows God to work on his heart and show opportunities for growth.

One word of encouragement Klay wants everyone to know is: “God meets you right where you are. You don’t need to get your life together first or be good enough to get to God. You just need to commit your life to God first and let Him start to work on your heart.”
