Waiting is over.

Series: Good News! | Week 6: Battlefield of the Mind

As we prepare, as a church, to begin a study through the book of Luke, we’ll spend this week gaining a foundation through chapters 1-3. As you read, enter in to the story. This Bible Project video will also help set the stage.

Read Luke 1:57-80

1. How does the birth of John the Baptist affect the neighbors and relatives (verses 57-66)? Who is receiving the praise?
2. Zechariah has been muted for months. What is the first thing he does when he can speak (verse 64)?
3. What is Zechariah looking forward to according to verses 67-79?

1. Is your life a testimony of the goodness of God like Zechariah and Elizabeth’s was? Ask God that others would see the joy of the Lord in you and for opportunities to speak of His goodness in your life to them.
2. How do you respond in a season of waiting? If you are in a season of waiting, as Zechariah was, ask that God would help you turn to Him in prayer and praise Him for His faithfulness even if you don’t see Him working.

For Further Learning: This Sermon on Zechariah’s Song

For Families with Kids at Home
Look back at the past couple of months and think through how God has shown his faithfulness to you and your family. Spend time as a family talking about how God has shown up and how you have experienced His goodness.

Good News!