Silence is not an option.

Series: Racism. Justice. Hope. | Week 1: Racism. Justice. Hope.

Proverbs 31:8-9
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.”

These verses are filled with action words. Humbling yourself before God, crying out and lamenting over injustice is a good first step. But God also calls us, His Church, to act. Twice in these verses alone He says ‘speak up’. The opposite of speaking up is staying silent in the face of racism and injustice and silence isn’t an option for a Christ follower.

Respond in Prayer
Ask God right now to show you who you need to speak up for and how. Look around you – who can’t speak for themselves? Is being crushed? Is poor and helpless? Visit our Make A Difference page for practical ways that you can take meaningful action to be part of the solution in bringing about justice in our community and our world. Speak up. For further learning: watch the Bible Project’s video on justice.

For Families with Kids at Home
Today, pray your kids would be agents of change in this world—that God would give them a heart for justice and for unity through Jesus.

Racism. Justice. Hope.